Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Overpriced eBook Rant

   So, I think I have a relatively short & simple rant for everyone tonight, Overpriced eBooks. Now, as  I've said before, even though my preference for reading is usually paperbacks & hardbacks, I'm not beyond reading an eBook. I can see their use, easy to travel with & a great way to browse books to find new authors. I personally downloaded Kindle to my HP mini (a mini laptop that was popular before the whole tablet craze) & I use it to find new authors to read who are giving their books away for free or cheap. I've even recently bought a few books from my favorite authors, but only when I had issues getting my hands on a physical copy of their book & only as long as the eBook cost less than the actual book. So, I'm not against eBooks & eReaders, everything has its purpose, everything its a place.

    What I do have an issue with is the pricing of some of the books being sold as eBooks. Now let me know if you think I'm wrong about this, but I feel that when I get an eBook it's not right for it to cost as much as a physical copy, there should be some sort of discount for the electronic version. I don't feel that I'm being greedy asking for this, just reasonable. Look at it this way, the author didn't have to pay for paper, ink or the people running the machines to print the book, so why should it cost as if they did? I figure that if I have to pay the same amount as a physical copy then I may as well buy the actual thing. I only bring this up because I've noticed a lot of books lately asking an unreasonable prices for their eBooks . Yes, I like a deal & prefer my books to be $2.99 to Free, but I'm not beyond spending a little more for an eBook as long as I'm spending less then it's physical counterpart. I mean I've seen some eBooks being sold for as high as $12 or more! Seriously, it seems to me that these people selling their books for such high prices are to trying to capitalize on the money they save by not printing, by still charging the same price & pocketing the excess money. Even if I was one of those people who've chosen to switch completely to the eBook platform & replace all my books for electronic versions, I'd still have a problem spending the same price as a physical book for an eBook. I mean, what's the point of going paperless if you're going to pay prices that are equivalent to the tree chopping prices, LOL. Am I wrong? I know everyone needs to make their money, but lets be reasonable, if you want to charge these crazy prices as an author then have your books printed, don't expect the eBook market to bring you the extra money you want. The author should be saving money by selling their books online, anything else just seems greedy. I harbor no ill feelings to this new generation & style of books, I just don't feel that some of the authors & or publishers are doing the right thing by charging paper prices for a incorporeal versions of their books.

   So, do me a favor & don't encourage these prices by giving in & purchasing their overpriced digital stories. There are plenty of great books out there that only cost a few bucks or even nothing at all if you get lucky. All I ask is that you think twice & if it seems that there is no discount for the eBook you want then purchase the actual book, sensible, right? If you're going pay all that money then you may as well have all the perks & pleasures that come with the physical item. Alrighty peeps, that's all I got for you this time. I told you it was going to be a relatively short & simple rant. I'm hoping, before the week is over, to have one of the many authors who've been kind enough to agree to an interview with me stop by & say hello. So, please hang in there & I plan to have more thought provoking rants & fun surprises in the near future.

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