Sunday, August 10, 2014

Book Furniture?!

  Today is neither a Rant nor an Interview.  I thought I would simply do a fun little post sharing some of the fascinating book related pictures I found when, out of boredom & a need for a few photos I plan to use for a logo I'm making for The Ranting Bookwom,  I Bing(ed) the words "Book Furniture". Yes, I use Bing instead of the popular Google & not because it's better. I only use it over the other search engine because I LOVE the daily pictures they post on the Bing homepage. A silly reason I suppose, but aside from my love for books I've always been a bit of a photography nut, but I digress. So, lets get back on topic, this whole Book Furniture thing all started when I first typed the words "Book Pics", which lead me to an amazing picture of a chair that doubled as a bookshelf  & so my Bing search, due to curiosity, morphed into a search using the words "Book Furniture". I imagine right about now you're thinking I should have named this blog The Babbling Bookworm, which it almost was, & that I should get to the point. Your grumbles would probably justified too & while I see your point, I have to say that I never made any promises at any point on this blog to give my followers a dry & serious book  blog. I've been up late or early, depends on how you want to look at it & this is what happens when I have little sleep & no plan for a structured posting. So, if my babble is too much to take, then I suggest you move along & try & find one of those wonderfully uptight book blogs that might be more your style, but if you like a little silly in your blogs, then hang in there & I'll try & get to the point as fast as I can for the amazing few followers who were kind enough to not leave, yet, lol. Anyway, back to what I was originally talking about, I found an amazing chair that doubled as a bookshelf, & after that, I wanted to see what other crazy book related furniture I could find, & so, my search changed once more from book related furniture to furniture made from books. Evidently, there appears to be a larger group of people than you'd imagine that enjoy taking old books that nobody likes or wants to read & turning them into beautiful works of art & furniture that we often call "Green". I even happen to know a person or two who actually have a collection of those horrible, but good looking, Reader's Digest books that no one ever seems to like. They keep them in case the artistic bug bites their butt & they're suddenly filled with the urge to create book related art. Even though I've got the creative juices for this type of project & the materials to do it, I feel I've more than enough stuff going on in my little life without adding to it with something like this. Perhaps, in the near future, I'll find the time to do it & if I do I'll gladly share my masterpiece or disaster with everyone here on my blog. Still, that won't stop me from sharing some of my favorite pictures of book furniture that I found while searching the web. So, please hang in there, put your mental seat belt on, & get ready for a wild ride through the crazy, but fun world of recycled book furniture.

To begin things, this is the beautiful bookshelf chair that started this whole exploration of book related furniture. I would die for one or two of these awesome chairs:

Now lets move on to a book lovers dream come true, furniture made from actual books. A book fanatics answer to the Green movement:

Last, but not least is this neat little pencil holder made from phone book pages:

  Alright everyone, that's all I managed to scrounge up for now. I'll keep looking for more fun creations like these to share in a similar, but future post. Please feel free to let me know what your favorites were & what you think of the whole idea of using books for furniture. Also, if you have any pictures of book furniture that wasn't posted here today I would love for you to share it with us in the comments section of this posting.

  Just for those curious, I am in the process of doing another interview.This time it will be with YA Paranormal author Merry Brown. I should hopefully have her interview on my blog within the week. So, please come back to see what other crazy things I talk about or share & don't miss the fabulous Merry Brown's interview with The Ranting Bookworm. Until then, keep reading & share the love of books with as many people as you can. It's one addiction you should never be ashamed of ;-)

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